Got a fine for no car insurance.?

Got a fine for no car insurance.?

What's the least expensive car insurance for adolescents as of late?
Best vehicle for 18-year old?

What is the distinction between exclusive and public  insurance ?

Are medical health insurance costs that I pay and are deducted from my pay compensated with after-tax dollars?
"I'm currently leaving my  insurance  company because they provide me-too much headaches (ING in addition)... i have to hold back per week to offically end my coverage (its a longg history). I discovered another insurance provider that I'd want to join right away since i told my insurance provider I'm adding ym vehicle away for a couple decades but I recently didnt wish to let them know I discovered somebody else for method cheaper and  insurance  is needed by me today! But im unsure when it is possible to own detailed with one corporation and insurance